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Apr 15, 2021

It’s time to Break it Down with Rita!

Afraid to raise your rates, ask for the sale, or annoy your audience with marketing emails? Well, spoiler. You aren’t actually afraid of those things! On this week’s Break it Down episode, I give you the skinny on how to identify and work through the fears that are holding you back in your business and the 5-step framework you NEED to get out of your head and into action - to start seeing big results! 

This episode is for you if you want to learn:

  • The 5-step framework you need to bust through your fears and start seeing results!
  • Why the things you are afraid of might be different than you think (and why this matters!)
  • A super easy tool to help you identify your real fears so you can move through them
  • Understanding the 3 components of self so you can lower your fears (trust me, this works!)
  • How to use The Fear Formula to get into action toward your dreams
  • And more!


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